How To Arrange Tables At A Wedding

How To Arrange Tables At A Wedding
How To Arrange Tables At A Wedding

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In order for the wedding to go perfectly, it is important to take into account all the little things. Everything is important: from the bride's hair and manicure to the arrangement of tables in the banquet hall. There are several different ways to do this.

The arrangement of tables for a wedding banquet can be different
The arrangement of tables for a wedding banquet can be different


Step 1

The most traditional is the arrangement of wedding tables in the shape of the letter P. At the main shorter table (crossbar from "P") the newlyweds sit, next to them are parents, witnesses, and guests are seated at long tables.

Step 2

It is also customary to arrange wedding tables in a T-shape. The newlyweds sit at the head, and the guests sit facing each other along a long table (leg from "T") This seating option can be simplified if the room for the wedding banquet does not differ in width. And no more than 30-40 people are planned. For such a case, an ordinary long table is installed, at the head of which the groom and the bride sit, while the guests sit along it. If there are a lot of guests, then the tables can be arranged in the form of the letter "Ш".

Step 3

The European variant of arranging wedding tables is preferable for large rooms. In this case, many tables are placed around the hall, each of which is designed for 4-6 people. Variations of this method: arrangement in English - the newlyweds sit at a separate table, and the guests' tables are grouped around the place where the newlyweds are settled;

arrangement in Italian - guests 'tables are arranged around the hall, and a special podium has been built for the newlyweds' table.

Step 4

The American way of arrangement involves not a traditional feast, but rather a buffet or buffet. The guests do not sit down in their seats, but wander between the long tables with appetizers, putting the pieces they like on their plates.
