It is difficult to think of a more round date than the 50th anniversary of family life. Few couples live up to such an anniversary, few people live up to this age. The golden wedding is celebrated with the family, relatives come to it, including those who live on the other side of the country and even abroad.

Step 1
Start the holiday by showering the heroes of the day with gold coins, sparkles or confetti, grain. At the same time, say: "As the rain of golden prosperity, love and mutual understanding is pouring on you 50 years ago, so let it fall for another half century!" During the ritual, the spouses can sit at the table or solemnly enter the hall.
Step 2
Perform the rite of giving a gold shawl. It is advisable to do this for the eldest son or daughter. On the head and shoulders of the mother, solemnly throw a kerchief embroidered with gold threads or with lurex.
Step 3
Place two candles painted in gold paint in front of the spouses. Light them and say: "These candles are a symbol of your love, which shone all these years, helped to overcome difficulties and hardships, to support each other." This ceremony symbolizes the beginning of a new fifty years of family life.
Step 4
Buy new wedding rings. On this day, jewelry made of gold and silver, which the spouses exchanged at a silver wedding or earlier, are usually replaced with new ones. They are bought by children or other relatives of the celebrants. The exchange can be carried out at the table, in the church. Old rings are passed on to the younger generation, for example, grandchildren, saying: "For family happiness." You can perform the ceremony by transferring lighted candles from the table.
Step 5
Give young people gifts with gilding or gold, you can present a present wrapped in golden brown paper. You can give a souvenir, one way or another associated with the number 50.
Step 6
Make toasts and greetings related to the theme of the evening. The dance part traditionally begins with a waltz performed by young people. The guests take the candles in their hands and form a circle, the heroes of the day come out in the middle. For the musical accompaniment, you need to choose a slow melody from the times of the youth of the bride and groom. In the song repertoire, include a composition dedicated to the holiday: "Golden Wedding" to words by I. Reznik and music by R. Pauls.
Step 7
Organize the throwing of the bride's bouquet. If the flowers fall into the uniforms of an unmarried girl, it means that she will soon get married. If a married woman catches the bouquet, her family life will also cross the golden line.
Step 8
Don't forget the tea. When the guests have gone home, the couple should sit at the table and pour themselves a cup of tea. The rite of tea drinking symbolizes unity and the fact that the house rests only on the two of them. Children help to clean the table.