Halloween is an amazing holiday, on the occasion of which you can try on the costumes of various evil spirits. And why not use this evil and its attributes to decorate the festive table.

Step 1
If you want to feed your guests well, but you have little time, there is a simple solution - cook pasta, only it should be long, wide pasta. If you put 2 olives just above the center, the dish will look like a mummy's head.

Step 2
One of the main characters of Halloween is a witch, and one of the main attributes of a witch is a broom. Therefore, the next appetizer will be an excellent addition to the festive table. Edible brooms are easy to make, all you need is salted straws, slices of soft cheese, and green onion feathers. It is necessary to make small cuts on the cheese, then wrap the end of the straws and secure with green onions. The broom is ready!

Step 3
Why not make a pizza for Halloween? Moreover, if you lay out the cheese in the form of a cobweb, you get a very festive dish. Interesting spiders are obtained from olives, only 1, 5 pitted olives are needed. Cut one in half - this will be the body of the spider, and cut the remaining half across into 6 parts - these will be the legs. Place your paws on your body and you're done.

Step 4
For dessert, you can make meringues in the form of cones, use chocolate to put two dots - eyes and one of the symbols of Halloween - the ghosts are ready!

Step 5
Strawberry cream can make great brains. You just need to prepare a thick strawberry (raspberry, berry) cream and use a culinary syringe to make gyrus on the basis of the biscuit so that it looks like brains. The result is a dessert in the spirit of Halloween.

Step 6
What a festive table without drinks! Stick or draw black faces on the glasses, pour the orange drink and the pumpkin decoration is ready! Pumpkin juice would be ideal on such a day. Although if because of the specific taste you do not like it, it's okay, carrot, orange and multi-fruit juice will do.