An anniversary is an event that you want to remember for a long time. The closest and most significant people for the hero of the day are invited to it. Successful celebration of the holiday largely depends on quality preparation. It is often difficult for us to determine where to start organizing the anniversary. It is necessary to take into account many nuances in order to avoid unpleasant moments. The room, the scenario, the treat - everything must be thought out.

Step 1
First of all, you should decide on the scale of the event, the number of guests. This will depend on the desire and capabilities of the hero of the occasion.
Step 2
Next, you need to choose a room for the celebration. This can be an apartment of the hero of the day (in the case when there are few guests), an office or a cafe. In any case, this place should be comfortable and accommodate all guests. In addition, it should be adapted both for a feast and for various competitions and dances. Particular attention should be paid to decorating the hall and thinking through the menu.
Step 3
It is very important to choose a person who will prepare the script and be the presenter of the anniversary. It can be a person close to the hero of the day or a professional toastmaster. In the first case, the presenter will know some interesting and significant details from the life of the hero of the day. Also, this option will be cheaper. On the other hand, a professional presenter knows all the subtleties of the holiday and will be able to take into account unforeseen circumstances.
Step 4
The scenario of the holiday should include a listing of the merits of the hero of the day, a reminder of his significant life dates and events. You also need to pay attention to members of his family, close people who take a significant place in his life. In addition, the script must include various contests, quizzes on the knowledge of the life of the hero of the day. This will allow guests to cheer up, as well as leave themselves a small souvenir about the holiday. In addition, this will make it possible to once again pay attention to the hero of the occasion.
Step 5
Dance breaks take a special place at the anniversary. Music should satisfy the tastes of all generations present at the festival.