The school has an anniversary! This event is solemn, but very troublesome: it is necessary to hold the anniversary in such a way that guests will like it. Nothing should escape your attention. You need to decorate the inner space of the school, draw up a script, invite guests.

Step 1
Create a committee to prepare for the anniversary. It may include school administration, subject teachers, high school students. Define a range of problems. Distribute responsibilities. To do this, clearly define the main areas of work of the groups. For example, one group photographs graduates at work, interviews and prepares material. Another group selects material on the history of the school: about the construction of the building, the first directors and teachers. The result of this work can be decorated wall newspapers, albums. The third group is working on the script. The fourth is the selection and invitation of guests.
Step 2
Try to find sponsors. Maybe one of the former students will be able to allocate money, because they are needed for souvenirs and decoration of the hall, lobby, corridors.
Step 3
The school is its students. In this case, graduates. Find them, send out invitations. Find old photographs of issues from different years. Decorate the walls of the school with them, writing the year of graduation. Write ads. The local press and television can be used for this.
Step 4
Write a script. Include in it the main stages of composition: 1. Introduction. It should include a historical record of the school's construction. Use documents (acts, orders, contracts). Make a presentation about the school. Give the floor to the director (s). You can start the evening unconventionally. To do this, use performances with different characters. For example, the tsar and tsarina, worried about the younger generation, decided to found a school. 2. The main part of the script involves the performance of guests. Amateur performances should be varied and entertaining. These can be performances, clownery, solo and choral singing. If there are talents in the teaching staff, use them on stage as well. Work on the costumes. Of the graduates, probably someone writes poetry, sings well. Give them the floor. 3. Conclusion should be short. In it, be sure to express your gratitude to the sponsors. Combine all parts of the script with the same characters. These can be school housewives. storytellers in Russian costumes, small children. For them, you can make up funny words in poetic form.
Step 5
Worry about decorating your school. These can be garlands of balls. They can fill all the voids. hall and stage. You can make beautiful compositions out of them. Use decorated wall newspapers, stands, albums. Write posters. An exhibition of children's handicrafts can be organized. Prepare small souvenirs. Let the guests leave their notes in the Guestbook.
Step 6
Appoint your photojournalist. Let him take pictures of the most interesting moments of the meeting. Later, arrange all the material into albums. Now he is also the history of the school.