As a rule, it is the graduates who think about the choice of a gift for the headmaster. However, there are many other reasons that require an original presentation, and the anniversary is one of them.

What should be a gift for a school principal?
An anniversary is a particularly significant event, because, unlike an ordinary birthday, it happens very rarely. Therefore, you will have to work hard with the choice of a gift. The director of the school is the person of the educational institution, which means that the gift must correspond to this status and be respectable. Although relatives can present things that are quite familiar to everyday life.
The most practical gift for a school principal is a good set of stationery or an unusual and multifunctional desktop organizer. Also, a leather notebook or diary will be very appropriate, with which you will not be ashamed to hold various meetings with teachers and parents.
Useful presents will definitely come in handy in such a responsible job.
Decorative gizmos for office decoration is another great idea. The director of the school spends quite a long time at the workplace, which is why the atmosphere in the office should be as comfortable as possible. You can give a beautiful wall clock or a picture, original figurines and even flowers in pots, which can fill the room with a wonderful aroma and freshness.
An individual approach to gifts for the anniversary
Of course, the director, as a person who loves knowledge, will definitely appreciate the presented set of encyclopedias. You can also present a set of beautifully bound books on a subject that he teaches to students. An original and very practical gift for a school principal can be attributed to a large board (in this case, you can show your imagination and make it in an unusual design to order) for posting announcements and notes.
As for the book theme, you can easily replace the purchase of standard books with the purchase of electronic ones. Such a thing will be very convenient, since the director himself will be able to choose what to read to him.
Souvenirs have always been a trendy gift. But the medals and diplomas made by the students with the inscription "The best director!" Will look especially original, and most importantly from the heart.
A letter of gratitude touches even the strictest director.
If the headmaster is a woman, an expensive and beautiful piece of jewelry can be presented to her as a gift for her anniversary. A gold pendant, earring, or ring is a great way to show gratitude for her hard work and dedication. Especially unusual, but most importantly, a practical gift will be a gold watch on a pendant.