A traditional wedding celebration is not complete without luxurious and beautiful bouquets presented to the bride. These colors have a special meaning: they create a unique holiday atmosphere. In addition, flowers emphasize the beauty and femininity of the bride, with their help the giver demonstrates his admiration for her. There are several of the most popular options for bouquets that would be appropriate to present at a wedding.

Step 1
In the first place in popularity are wedding bouquets made of roses. This is, one might say, a time-tested classic. Roses are delightful flowers. The combination of an independent, proud and at the same time graceful and delicate look of these flowers with sharp thorns on the stems evoke delight and awe. That is why most girls and women love roses. Of all the color shades of these colors, it is best to give preference to pastel, pearl, violet and yellowish orange shades.
Step 2
A wedding bouquet made of lilies looks no less unusual and gentle. They are charming in their shape with a smooth bend, a variety of color combinations, shades and a rich play of whitish-pink, white, peach, marble noble petals. These fragrant, romantic, regal flowers seem to carry a certain hidden meaning, always interpreted individually. White lilies, surrounded by miniature daisies, also look great.
Step 3
Another one of the most popular wedding bouquets is the one created from chrysanthemums. Such flowers are distinguished by noble restraint and amazing sophistication, and therefore they are so loved by the fair sex. The variety of varieties of chrysanthemums and their shades allows the bride to choose such a bouquet that will look original and effective.
Step 4
To the question of what bouquet to give the bride, there is one more answer - a bouquet of gerberas. Round and neat, in the minds of many peoples these flowers are associated with positiveness and energy, freshness, warmth, happiness and good mood. This is why gerberas are so popular with modern women. With the help of a bright, colorful bouquet, you can create a unique festive and sunny atmosphere even on a cloudy day. The best colors for a young bride are pink or orange.
Step 5
Hyacinths and orchids are exotic, complex and interesting in bouquets. However, these flowers are difficult to call common for Russian weddings. In the culture of different peoples, orchids symbolize unbridled, strong passion. Hyacinths, in turn, symbolize only a calm, friendly disposition. Therefore, these flowers are more perceived as a neutral sign of attention than as a symbolic offering to the bride. Roughly the same can be said about calla lilies - elegant, graceful and solemn. It is not forbidden to give them for a wedding, they are perfect for a wedding dress, but calla lilies are considered too unemotional and cold flowers.
Step 6
As for the design of the wedding bouquet, it must be truly flawless. Flowers wrapped in cellophane should be opened halfway before being presented to the bride. At the time of transfer, the bouquet must be turned upside down. Regardless of what kind of bouquet of flowers you have chosen as a gift to the bride for a wedding, you need to give it from the heart, with a sincere desire to please the newlyweds.