Winter is not only New Years and Christmas tree. Winter is a wonderful time of the year and winter time can be spent interestingly, profitably and at minimal cost.

Take a walk. Winter is not always harsh, and it often gives wonderful warm and sunny days, which are a sin to miss. Take a thermos of tea or coffee and a couple of sandwiches with you and arrange a short tour of your city. And if you go outside in the evening or even at night, watch the winter sky, it is clear and bright, and the stars are especially attractive in frosty weather.
Take pictures. Get together with your friends and take some cool pictures. You will get not only great pictures, but also a charge of positive emotions. And for this it is not necessary to have a professional camera, an average smartphone is enough.
Play snowballs with your friends. How long have you not played? Remember how nice it was to hit your opponent.
Blind a snowman. This is absolutely not a difficult activity, but all members of your family or friends can participate in it.
Go ice skating. There are probably open free skating rinks in your city, and if you also have your own skates, then this is just super. If they are not there, do not be discouraged, skate rental will not hit your pocket.
Go skiing. Skis are a great alternative to skating. A great way to improve your health and recharge your batteries.
Go bowling. One of the best ways to shake off winter hibernation for those who don't like skating and skiing.
If you are a happy owner of a summer residence, or you have such friends and relatives, make barbecue. Kebabs are just as pleasant in winter as in summer.
Play board games. Surely some of your friends have a game that is stored on the farthest shelf. So why not use it? Invite your friends to visit, let them take board games with them, study the rules and feel free to start.
Experiment with food. There will definitely be some food in the fridge, make something from them that you have never tasted. You can also invite friends, have them bring their own products, and experiment together.
Attend free exhibitions, master classes. You can easily find out about such events on the Internet on the posters of your city.
This is just a small list of how you can spend your winter weekend both profitably and cost-effectively. If you want to spend a weekend in solitude, then books will be a great company, you can also do your favorite hobby, stock up on popcorn and watch movies and TV shows, turn on music and just dance.