Prices for wedding services, outfits and organization are extremely high, so some couples have to save money for a chic celebration for years or limit themselves to a modest family dinner. If you dream of a real holiday, but your budget is small, it is enough to show imagination and ingenuity to make the wedding truly unforgettable, and you do not start your family life with debts and loans.

Step 1
Start planning your wedding well in advance. Careful development of the script will help you to soberly assess your desires and refuse many insignificant expenses, the need for which is imposed by the traditions or beliefs of acquaintances. A wedding is one of the most important family events, so you need to prepare it, starting not only from the desire to save money, but also from your own idea of a real holiday.
Step 2
Try not to spend a lot of money on wedding suits. The groom's dress and clothes will most likely be worn once in a lifetime, so you can think about purchasing outfits from your hands. However, it is undesirable to rent a wedding dress, because then you will probably have to pay for the subsequent dry cleaning as well. A bridal bouquet and a boutonniere for the groom can be ordered at a flower shop, which will be cheaper than purchasing these accessories at a bridal salon.
Step 3
Talk to your friends, maybe some of them will agree to provide private cars for the wedding procession. This will save not only on transport, but also on payment for driver services. However, be prepared for the fact that you will have to buy gasoline at your own expense. Do not forget to resolve this issue in advance and have additional options in stock, so as not to find yourself in a difficult situation if one of the drivers has urgent matters.
Step 4
Consider several candidates of your close friends who could take on the duties of toastmaster. This will not only allow you to reduce your wedding budget, but will also give you the opportunity to enjoy a holiday prepared for you with love, avoiding standard and boring jokes and contests.
Step 5
When choosing a place for the celebration itself, it is not necessary to order a chic restaurant. You can get by with a small cafe or canteen of any local institution. In this case, you can independently purchase food and drinks in hypermarkets or wholesale stores at a low price. Keep in mind that it is better to entrust the preparation of a festive dinner to relatives and invited friends, otherwise the bride will be completely exhausted on her own wedding day.
Step 6
You can significantly save on the services of a photographer if you contact your friends who have professional photography equipment. If you do not have such friends, then carefully research local sites and forums. Many photographers offer free photography to fill their own portfolios. In such cases, you only need to pay for the film.