In the life of every person, a beloved grandmother occupies a special place. It is often easier for a “child” of any age to talk about her problems with this sophisticated woman (both at 3 years old, and at 18 years old, and at 35). There is a good Russian proverb "Children to the crown, and grandchildren to the end", which describes a person's relationship with his grandmothers, and in the modern world often with great-grandmothers. Therefore, almost every person will want to congratulate their grandmother on her anniversary.

Step 1
Help prepare a gift for a grandmother to your child of preschool or primary school age, because any grandmother will be pleased to receive a craft or a souvenir that the kid will make on his own or with one of the adult family members.
Step 2
Tell your child that it is especially pleasant for a grandmother to receive as a gift for her anniversary that craft, the basics of which the birthday girl herself taught the child: it can be simple embroidery, and applique on paper, and a small knitted product (for example, a scarf or a hat). Let the kid make such a gift.
Step 3
Think that any piece of music or art prepared by a grandson or granddaughter will be a pleasant gift for your grandmother - here there is a huge scope for creativity, and a small home concert will surely please all family members and invited guests.
Step 4
If your child is already a teenager, discuss another gift option with your family. He can simply try to earn some personal money on his own and buy a gift for his beloved grandmother that she really wants to use in everyday life. A beautiful cup for tea or a small tea set, her favorite perfume, a licensed disc with a recording of her favorite TV series or movie, or a whole set of such movie masterpieces that her grandmother will want to revise repeatedly will bring joy to her.
Step 5
Find out, as if by chance, in a conversation with the future hero of the day, her plans for the near future, as well as her state of health. If there is a material opportunity, and the grandmother is still a fairly young and vigorous woman, then a trip to those places that she dreamed of visiting for many years can bring her great joy. It can be a well-organized trip to the city of her childhood and youth, or a trip to those places that are of interest to her - often it turns out to be a trip to monasteries or places of pilgrimage.
Step 6
Find out in advance the hobbies of the birthday girl. After all, any sufficiently voluminous gift associated with a hobby will bring great joy - it can be a selection of embroidery kits along with a year's subscription to a magazine of the corresponding profile, and several magazines devoted to needlework or floriculture, necessarily complete with the necessary equipment and inventory.
Step 7
Present for the anniversary any household appliances that facilitate the daily chores around the house, because now you can find products for every taste and wallet. Remember that the gift itself is not important for grandmother, but the daily attention of relatives and friends.