What To Give A Girl For 1 Year

What To Give A Girl For 1 Year
What To Give A Girl For 1 Year

The daughter's first birthday is an important event in the life of the family. On this day, I want to especially surprise and please the baby. Therefore, the parents and the close circle of the child are seriously thinking about a worthy gift.

What to give a girl for 1 year
What to give a girl for 1 year

Without toys anywhere

When choosing a gift for a one-year-old girl, you must first of all take into account the fact that the child is just beginning to take his first steps. Based on this, a gurney would be an ideal gift. Currently, their choice is very large. The gurney can be musical, squeaking, thundering. The benefit of such a gift is that it helps the child as an "auxiliary" thing when walking. Such a gift will certainly delight the birthday girl.

Musical toys are a good gift. Since one-year-old children are very fond of pressing multi-colored buttons, listening to melodies and sounds, an example of such gifts can be: musical instruments, houses, children's phones, etc.

You can also opt for a doll, dollhouse, toy stroller. As for the last gift, strollers are very popular with girls and boys.

The children's play tent with balls will delight the child. It will be very interesting for the child to spend time in it, using it as a personal space. In addition, carefree floundering in balls will give him a lot of pleasure and will benefit his development.

You can safely give a one-year-old baby a music book. As a rule, they are of different subjects. They can contain songs from cartoons, voiced fairy tales, lullabies, etc. Believe me, the child will be very interested in looking at pictures and listening to a song.

Cubes, drawing crayons, finger paints, mosaics, felt-tip pens can be a wonderful gift. The constructor will be no less entertaining present. Considering the age of the child, it is better to choose a constructor with large blocks or even rubber.

What should not be given to a little hero of the day

In order not to overshadow the baby's first holiday, you should refrain from chocolate gifts, sweets and other sweets. Seeing sweets, the child will definitely show a desire to try them, but this may be unsafe, since small children have a huge risk of an allergic reaction.

Also among the unwanted toys for the little ones are soft toys. Since they are excellent dust collectors, and small children pull everything into their mouths or lean against their face, an allergic reaction will not take long. In addition, soft toys are allowed only from the age of three, for this very reason.

Another unfortunate gift option is diapers. Having presented diapers as a present, you may simply not be aware that the child is already going to the potty, and they simply will not be in demand.
