Where Did The Tradition Of Throwing A Bridal Bouquet Come From?

Where Did The Tradition Of Throwing A Bridal Bouquet Come From?
Where Did The Tradition Of Throwing A Bridal Bouquet Come From?

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A wedding is a festive ceremony, which is associated with a huge number of folk signs and customs. Traditions have not forgotten the obligatory attribute of the bride - a wedding bouquet.

Where did the tradition of throwing a bridal bouquet come from?
Where did the tradition of throwing a bridal bouquet come from?


Step 1

The custom of throwing a wedding bouquet is found in the culture of many European nations. It is difficult to say where this ceremony first appeared, but it came to modern weddings in Russia from the screens of American melodramas and romantic comedies.

Step 2

The essence of the tradition boils down to the fact that the bride, standing with her back to a group of her unmarried girlfriends, throws back the wedding bouquet. It is believed that the girl who caught him will happily marry within the next year.

Step 3

In the old days, brides of different nations shared their happiness with loved ones in their own way. Ukrainian girls gave their wedding flower wreath to a friend. In the old days in Russia, unmarried girlfriends blindfolded the bride and danced around her until she gave her bouquet to one of them at random.

Step 4

In medieval Europe, it was believed that even a small piece of a wedding dress can bring female happiness. Therefore, sometimes unmarried girls pounced on the bride and tore her outfit, turning it into rags. Later in France, the wedding dress began to be decorated with flowers on the hem, which guests could pull out.

Step 5

In many European countries, brides have traditionally shared their joy with single people, throwing them garters, pendants, chains and other jewelry. Among the Slavs, after the completion of the wedding feast, the wreaths of a young couple were given to an unmarried guy and an unmarried girl.

Step 6

Gradually, these ancient rituals were replaced by the tradition of throwing a wedding bouquet to unmarried bridesmaids. Interestingly, this custom is now changing, taking on new forms.

Step 7

The changes in the tradition concern, first of all, the way of transferring the wedding bouquet. The bride can simply hand it over to an unmarried girl. As a rule, this happens at weddings where there is only one unmarried woman among the guests. Another option: the bridesmaids, holding hands, lead a round dance around the bride, which suddenly stops. The bouquet goes to the girl who finds herself in front of her young wife.

Step 8

Often brides want to keep their wedding bouquet as a lucky heirloom. In this case, a copy is ordered from the florist, which is then thrown into the crowd of friends. If the bride wants to share a piece of her happiness with all the girls invited to the ceremony, you can use a special backup bouquet. Outwardly, this design is created as similar as possible to a real wedding bouquet, but the fastening is specially made weakened. Thus, when thrown, the bouquet breaks up into separate flowers, which should be enough for all unmarried girls.
