A well-prepared celebration in honor of the 16th anniversary will help to emphasize the significance of the event and will remain in memory for many years. On this day, a teenager moves from childhood to adolescence, but more than ever dreams of a miracle and believes in it. Close people can do this miracle for him: parents and friends by organizing an unforgettable day of surprises and gifts.

Step 1
How to celebrate the 16th birthday must be decided together by the birthday boy and the parents. The best solution would be a double celebration. The first part together with parents at home or in a cafe, the second without adults in a club, at a disco, etc.
Step 2
Preliminary preparation for the celebration must be taken over by the teenager. Only he himself can decide what he wants to receive on this day, and then draw up a plan and agree on it with his parents.
Step 3
After agreeing with the parents on the possible variant of the holiday, discuss in advance the place of meeting with friends, since they will have to ask their parents for permission to attend the celebration. When everything is in agreement, move on to action.
Step 4
The parents are responsible for the financial component, plus the solution to the issue of renting premises, agreeing on food and drinks, and buying them in stores.
Step 5
A joint holiday of children and adults is best done with a presenter. Let there be a script, a solemn congratulation and presentation of gifts. This will help guests of both older and younger generations feel more relaxed.
Step 6
The holiday should be planned, but with elements of a surprise for the birthday person, so the preparation of the program should be on the parents, as well as on his close friends.
Step 7
It is customary to give significant and valuable gifts for the 16th birthday. It can be gold, video (audio) equipment, electronics. It is advisable for parents to find out in advance what their child wants - after all, it is their gift that will be the main thing for him on this day.
Step 8
A more modest and economical option is to celebrate the solemn part at home, and then go out into the countryside. Be sure to come up with outdoor games for fun and props for them.
Step 9
Photo and video shooting of the holiday can be amateur, but it is worth capturing this day.