As the vacation approaches, we begin to make plans for the rest, as well as dream about how we will travel and relax in the most comfortable conditions. At the same time, each person wants to save a little - so as not to be horrified later, remembering how much money was wasted during the vacation.

Of course, you can limit yourself to a trip to the country house or hiking to a nearby reservoir. But in this case, you will get a minimum of impressions from the rest, because it is much more interesting to go on a trip and relax under the hot tropical sun or in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. In order to combine business with pleasure, you can organize a shopping tour to one of the European countries during your vacation - for example, go abroad on Christmas Eve, when almost all major retail chains arrange pre-holiday sales. So you can relax, and replenish your collection of photos and impressions, and buy things that you have dreamed of for a long time at the most favorable price. But even if you do not like shopping, it is quite possible to have a cheap vacation abroad. To do this, you should adhere to a few simple rules.
- Today, many travel agencies offer air travel to any country in the world. The cost of such flights is sometimes acceptable, and sometimes it seems completely exorbitant. Therefore, if we are talking about short distances (for example, if you plan to relax in France, Poland or the Czech Republic), you can choose a bus tour. It will cost you a lot less. It is also quite possible to save money by traveling by rail. If you do not want to spend a lot of time on the trip, use the services of low-cost airlines - in principle, some of them offer air travel at a fairly modest price (from 90 euros).
- If possible, skip travel agency services and buy tickets yourself. Of course, there will be a little more trouble - but you will be able to save a considerable part of the total cost of the trip.
- It is not at all necessary to rent a room in an expensive, extremely fashionable hotel. In Europe, the cheapest place to live is hostels. These small youth hostels can save significant amounts of money and significantly reduce living costs. The hostel staff, as a rule, are fluent in English, and the rooms themselves, despite all their modesty, allow the guest to provide an acceptable level of comfort. In most European capitals, an overnight stay in a hostel costs no more than 20-30 euros. Please be aware that hostel rates may go up on holidays.
- If you want to save on purchases, do not forget to take advantage of the value added tax refund (paid to the buyer only if he exports the purchased item abroad). In addition, today there are special discount cards for citizens who are not yet thirty years old (for example, EURO26). You can issue such a card on the territory of the Russian Federation.
- To have a cheap holiday abroad, try to use public transport - taxis are usually expensive, but buses or trams will cost you much less. Almost every municipal vehicle has a detailed route map showing all stops (with mandatory duplication in English).