Residents of the metropolis strive, at least on weekends, to get out to a place where air is not exhaust gases, and water is not a cloudy liquid of dubious composition. But places where nature has not yet obeyed man (for example, a forest), are fraught with many dangers, and so that your vacation is not spoiled, you need to remember some important points.

Step 1
Regardless of the purpose for which you are going into the forest, take the trouble to find a place where a person's foot has already stepped, and you will not be pioneers. Forest romance in an absolutely wild place can turn into a disaster: you will go astray, wander into a swamp, and remember what your name was. You are not an experienced forester or even a resident of a forest village who regularly goes hunting, fishing, and picking mushrooms. You are a resident of the city, and it is better not to flex your muscles and boast of courage, but to go to specially equipped recreation centers, where you will be provided with a safe rest.
Step 2
In the forest, besides bears, moose and mushroom pickers, mosquitoes also live. Maybe you don't come across them so often in the city, but in nature you will probably be eaten alive if you don't take the necessary measures. First, it is better to dress so that your head and neck are covered. Choose clothes with long sleeves and pants that taper at the bottom. Such clothing requirements are especially relevant for those who are going to the forest to pick mushrooms. If you went to a specially equipped place where there are no thickets or swamps nearby, then you may have enough special means that repel mosquitoes and midges. There are products that need to be applied before contact with insects, and there are those that can reduce the reaction to bites and promote their early healing.
Step 3
Actually, you choose the type of rest yourself. The forest provides many options. Someone wants to go boating on a river or lake, someone walks with pleasure along forest paths, someone definitely needs fishing, and some consider picking mushrooms and berries the best rest. Whatever you do, take care of safety. Do not go to the forest alone and gather such a company so that there must be people who know how to swim, navigate the terrain, understand animal tracks, and so on. Themselves, too, read literature on the theme of the forest and recreation in the forest.
Step 4
No matter how you rest, remember that the owner here is nature, and you are her guest. No noise in the forest - you run the risk of scaring away forest animals. If you are having a picnic, take the trouble to clean up after yourself, it is not as difficult as it might seem. Never pour or throw anything into water bodies. If you are going to start a fire, consult local foresters or more experienced acquaintances where and how it is best to do it, and instead of chopping down a tree, it is better to collect brushwood.