Each year there are more than a dozen official holidays - New Year, February 23, March 8, Cosmonautics Day, May 1, Victory Day, Children's Day and many others. And how many holidays are personal - family: birthday, anniversary, various anniversaries? It's rather boring to celebrate each holiday according to the same scenario. Maybe others should be considered?

Step 1
Outdoors You will need: - sports equipment (depending on the season);
- products;
- BBQ. Go to nature. Rent for a day or two a cottage in the mountains or a room in a forest sanatorium, take with you a barbecue, meat (if you are a vegetarian - vegetables) and a bag of friends. Sports equipment (balls, skis, sledges, tennis rackets - depending on the season) will not be superfluous. Everything, a wonderful vacation for you and your friends is guaranteed.
Step 2
At home with friends You will need: - groceries;
- dishes. You can celebrate the holiday well at home. Prepare light snacks, come up with a couple of contests, invite guests - and have a wonderful evening in a warm and friendly atmosphere. If you don't know how to cook, order food at the restaurant. Fortunately, this is not a problem today. You can do it even easier - buy a fondue maker. In this case, you do not have to cook anything, but you only need to cut vegetables, meat delicacies, mushrooms and melt the cheese in a fondue pot in half with wine and with the addition of starch.
Step 3
In a club, cafe, restaurant Go to celebrate in a restaurant. Just do not forget to book the required number of tables in advance, discuss the menu and cultural program.