Summer is the most long-awaited time, the warmest, joyful and colorful, greeting us with bright rays of the sun, the scent of herbs and flowers. There are many different holidays in the calendar of the summer months, everyone should be familiar with them, so as not to miss the days on which friends, relatives and friends can be congratulated.

The summer season is opened by the holidays "Children's Day" and "World Parents Day", celebrated on June 1. The next June holiday falls on the 8th - "Day of the Social Worker". One of the main holidays in June - "Day of Russia", it is celebrated on the 12th. The next holidays of the first month of summer are "Day of the Medical Worker" and "Day of Russian Youth", they are celebrated on the 21st and 27th, respectively.

The first July holiday is "Ivan Kupala Day" (the holiday of the Sun and the maturity of summer), it falls on the 7th and coincides with the Nativity of John the Baptist. Recently, another significant day has appeared in Russia - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, which is celebrated on July 8th. No less important holidays in July are the Day of the Metallurgist (July 19), as well as the Day of the Russian Navy, which falls on July 26.

The last month of summer is opened with "Day of the Airborne Forces" and "Day of the Railwayman of Russia", they are celebrated on the same day, namely on August 2. In general, August is a month that is incredibly rich in harvest holidays. For example, the most famous in our time are Honey Spas, Apple and Nut (Khlebny), they fall on the 14th, 19th and 29th, respectively. Since 1994, another holiday has been officially recognized in Russia - the Day of the Russian Flag. It is celebrated on August 22, the day is not a day off.