Many people sincerely believe that magic and magic reign throughout the New Year. Wonderful surprises can be expected at any moment. And there are many different signs that are associated with this winter holiday.

Signs for the New Year can be divided into positive and negative. It should be noted that some common signs during this period have a different meaning. For example, if a bird shits on a person on a festive night, this will mean that next year he will be surrounded by gossip and intrigue.
10 good New Year's omens
- Do not be upset if your clothes are suddenly torn on New Year's Eve. This promises a stormy and passionate romance in the coming year. True, it is unlikely to be serious, but it will definitely be remembered by emotions and events.
- If during the celebration a person suddenly sneezed for no reason, then such a New Year's omen says that the next year will be happy, successful, prosperous and filled with pleasant little things.
- To meet an unfamiliar fair-haired man during the celebration of the winter holiday is to luck and happiness.
- If cute trinkets and toys are unexpectedly found in the gift, then this will bring prosperity to the house.
- They say that if you sprinkle salt, then this can portend quarrels and problems. But not on New Years! Such a sign on a festive night means happiness that will come in the very near future.
- One awkward move and your Christmas toy crashed? No problem. Such a sign for the New Year is extremely positive. It means that the financial situation will soon stabilize or improve.
- If on New Year's Eve a lot of guests suddenly appear in the house, this suggests that for the next twelve months, the owners of the house will often arrange feasts and actively meet with friends and relatives.
- If on a holiday someone pats the head and does it without reason and agreement, then such a New Year's omen guarantees success and a sharp positive take-off in life.
- If you try on various new things in the New Year, then this guarantees prosperity, profit and constant pleasant purchases.
- If during the festive night and the entire first day of the coming year there will be cheerful and pleasant events, there will be an excellent mood, then the next twelve months will be easy, exciting and positive.
10 will take on New Years with negative connotations
- If, while driving a car, on December 31st you constantly have to brake at a red light, this is a negative omen. Such a sign suggests that in the coming year there will be many difficulties and obstacles. The same applies to pedestrians, who are constantly forced to wait for a signal change at a traffic light.
- To meet a blind person on a festive night on the street - to cardinal and not always pleasant changes in life.
- It is believed that the dishes are beating fortunately, but not on New Year's. If something like this happened, especially at the festive table, it means that next year there will be many problems and conflicts.
- If you recklessly throw out anything from the New Year's food after the main celebration, then luck and prosperity will go along with it.
- If a person accidentally splashes some kind of drink during the New Year's celebration, then such a sign informs about future experiences, sufferings.
- Having planned how the New Year's party will go, you cannot abandon this plan. If circumstances force you to do this, or everything just goes awry by itself, this means that the next twelve months will be filled with chaos, not the most favorable events, collapsed plans and unattainable goals.
- If the guests suddenly suddenly got home ahead of time, such a New Year's omen means that next year a person will lose luck, good luck.
- Don't stumble on New Years. If, nevertheless, a person stumbled on his left foot, then this means that all his plans and undertakings may fail, there will be many difficulties and problems in the coming year. If you stumble on your right foot, this New Year's omen warns of difficulties and problems in your personal life.
- When going to visit on New Year's Eve and going out into the street, you need to pay attention to which person you meet first. If it is an unfamiliar woman, then it is better to turn around and go home. Otherwise, it will be boring at a party, quarrels and conflicts are possible.
- If you throw something out on the street on a holiday, for example, from a window, then such an action from the point of view of New Year's signs means that the whole next year a person will have to rake other people's affairs, resolve conflicts, look for ways out of difficult situations not for himself, but for friends, relatives, colleagues.