A gift for a little lady should meet only two simple requirements. First, it should be available for her perception, that is, it should be age-appropriate, and second, it should fit into the circle of her interests. Calculating the perfect present is not that difficult.

A two-year-old girl is an active, inquisitive child. Choosing a good gift for her is simple and difficult at the same time. Surprisingly, her attention is strongly attracted by everyday things for adults like a tin can with a lid. And in the same amazing way, even a little interest in a baby is not able to arouse an expensive interactive toy.
A few tips will help you find the perfect gift for a two-year-old girl.
1. Observe the activity of the biennial. In a few seconds it will be clear that children of this age are great imitators. Girls sometimes follow their parents on the heels with an irresistible impulse to help them with household chores. The main motto is myself. Isn't it a great idea to support the child in this noble cause with an interesting gift? The most zealous helpers will love toy kitchens with plumbing and sets of kitchen utensils. Don't stop with pots and pans. A small tea set will allow you not only to appreciate all the advantages of a water supply system, but also to host guests. Everything is like adults.
2. Do not remain an outside observer, girls of this age wake up an active interest in role-playing. Show the young beauty how to rock the dolls correctly, and at the same time take a closer look at what is missing in the nursery for a full-fledged game of mothers and daughters. If the girl is interested in the process, she will also be delighted with a set of clothes for her beloved Katya, doll beds and toy strollers.
3. Go out to the playground. The neighbors have a lot of interesting things in the arsenal, your favorite will definitely give preference to something, and this will be a sure hint.
4. Attract the baby to new activities. It is possible that she is still unfamiliar with children's markers or crayons. If she liked drawing, move in this direction: palettes, children's easels, a set of brushes or the simplest coloring pages will not leave her indifferent. Along with artistic taste, develop a taste for music.
Go through the racks of boyish goods: wheelchairs and a three-wheeled scooter can compete.
5. Watch your favorite books and cartoons together. The appearance of your favorite character on the screen is hardly possible to miss. After viewing, feel free to go to the store and look for images of your pet.
6. Emphasize her girlish nature. If the baby is picky about her appearance, take note of this when choosing a gift. Hairpins, belts, beads, bright bracelets, as well as storage boxes are the dream of any little princess.
7. Arrange noisy battles. Children of two years old are very mobile, sometimes it seems that their energy is enough for a couple of adults. Help her let off steam, present bright balls, hoops, skittles or skipping ropes and teach her how to use it. If a simple inventory seems too trivial, take a closer look at an interactive one. For example, floor music rugs.
Do not be upset if the girl did not appreciate the present right away. Sometimes children really fall in love with the toys they donated after a while.
The ideal gift should be beautifully wrapped, preferably in several layers. A layer of bright paper, and under it a gift box with a cartoon print will be almost the main pleasant surprise.