From time to time we all want to throw a fun party for our friends, with or without it, but we don't always know how to do it. To harmoniously combine the comfort of home with the atmosphere of the club, and at the same time not to let the guests get bored, you need to make not so much effort as it seems at first glance.

It is necessary
Party room, musical equipment, food, drinks
Step 1
Think about your guest list. These should be the people you really want to see in your home, and you shouldn't invite anyone out of your usual courtesy. It is not so important whether all the invitees will know each other - any good party implies the possibility of new acquaintances, but you should not invite those who are in tense relationships to the holiday. Why do you need conflicts and tension at a party? It is also not entirely correct to invite foreigners to a party who do not understand Russian well; it will be embarrassing for everyone - the foreigners themselves, you and the rest of the guests.
Step 2
Warn neighbors that you are planning to host a party and may cause noise. By the way, you can invite your neighbors - with this gesture you will show your benevolent attitude, and you should not worry that the neighbors will really appear - they will just as politely reject your offer, but your loud music will no longer annoy them so much.
Step 3
Choose in what style you would like to spend the evening - whether it will be a buffet table, or you are a supporter of a traditional feast. Depending on the choice, take care of the appropriate menu. The younger the audience - the more likely it will be a buffet table - young people like to be constantly on the move, in this case organizing a party according to the script - "table-TV" will definitely not cause delight.
Step 4
Empty the room where the dancing will be - take out the furniture, beds, wardrobes - it is advisable to do everything in advance, and be sure to think about where the guests will rest - after all, the party usually lasts more than one hour. Of course, chairs are not the best option. Better to spread blankets and throw pillows, or bring chairs and sofas. So you will create a relaxed atmosphere and organize seats for tired friends.
Step 5
Prepare a hearty treat, let it be a variety of snacks, salads, be sure to think over a cake, fruits should be present on the table. And most importantly - drinks, soft drinks, in particular, water, lemonade, juices - there should be a lot of them. Alcohol, on the other hand, should not be abused. Proper organization of the party assumes that it does not turn into a "binge". If you think about everything in advance, the evening will be a success.