Congratulations to the teacher on March 8 is already a tradition. The warmest words can be expressed gratitude to your favorite teacher. Flowers and sweets are very common gifts, and if you combine these gifts using the sweet design technique, you get an original bouquet that will be beautiful and tasty.

March 8 is a wonderful holiday for all women. I would especially like to congratulate the teachers - kind and caring mentors who make a great contribution to the upbringing of every person. As a rule, a congratulatory speech is accompanied by a small present.
In congratulatory words, great attention is paid to the wish of strength, patience, health and long life. Of course, it is appropriate to wish wealth and career growth. With humor, they want fewer spoiled students and more attentive children. Each phrase of congratulation should be pronounced with warmth, come from the very heart.
Flowers and sweets
It is customary to congratulate the fair sex with flowers and sweets. The tradition of giving spring tulips and mimosas is firmly entrenched in relation to teachers. Bright and delicate bouquets of fresh flowers dilute the gray everyday life, delight a woman and lift her spirits. It is so nice to receive them from little students who give flowers with great trepidation and sincerity.
You can congratulate the teacher with flowers in the rooms, they will green and decorate the class for a long time. Evergreen representatives of plants are suitable: aspidistra, zamioculcas, Kalanchoe, spathiphyllum and dracaena, which do not require careful maintenance and daily watering.
Congratulations with flowers will perfectly complement sweets. They are presented with confectionery sweets in gift wrapping, you can tie it with a bow and attach a postcard.
It is a mistake to believe that postcards are losing their relevance, on the contrary, their range is expanding. Fashion trends of scribing design have appeared, these are handmade cards. You can add photos of school life to the design of such a congratulation and choose the warmest words.
Another handmade technique - sweet design, will help to congratulate the teacher in an unusual way. Craftsmen know how to combine candies and flowers in an original way into a single whole. Such gifts can be ordered from small bouquets to whole baskets. Each bright corrugated paper flower hides an exquisite candy. A masterfully executed masterpiece will not only delight, but also greatly surprise the teacher.
Other gifts
You can also congratulate the teacher on March 8 with other gifts, for example, coffee or tea in the original packaging will do. Such a cute present will always come in handy at the workplace when the teacher stays up late checking notebooks.
A series of exciting books in gift wrapping will be useful to every teacher. By March 8, it is more appropriate to pick up collections of poems, novels by well-known Russian or foreign writers.
A beautiful statuette on a desktop, carved from natural stone or wood, would be an appropriate gift for a teacher.