The graduation evening remains in the memory of every pupil or student, so you want to spend it in a friendly and cheerful atmosphere. It is up to the graduates themselves to create such an atmosphere, and to organize an outdoor event, you need to refer to the following recommendations.

Step 1
Graduates should work together to decide which venue to celebrate after the official program. Some like noisy places to dance and take part in fun competitions, while others are more comfortable sitting in a quiet restaurant with jazz music. In order to come to a final decision, you should make a list of the proposed establishments, vote for each one - who is “for”, who is “against”, and according to the statistics of positive answers, give preference to one of the establishments.
Step 2
Holding a prom at your home school or institute contributes to the intimate atmosphere of the event. In the assembly hall, you can equip a stereo system so that the music sounds louder, as if at a live concert. Homemade newspapers should be hung on the walls with photographs of students over the years. At the set table, be sure to make a toast to the teachers, have a good snack and go dancing. The advantage of this graduation option is the proximity to home. If the graduate is tired, then at any time he will be able to leave the holiday on his own and go home to rest.
Step 3
A budget option for celebrating a prom involves going out into nature with barbecue, barbecue and sports games. It is clear that this event should be organized in the morning, which means the next day after the presentation of the diploma or certificate. In nature, you can relax, play games, such as football or volleyball, and talk a lot with friends.
Step 4
Celebrating a prom on a motor ship is fraught with dependence on weather conditions. In this case, do not forget to bring warm clothes with you.