Very soon the expected and beloved holiday will come by many - the New Year. At this time, few people have the idea that you can celebrate the New Year not by eating festive dishes and drinking drinks, but with tangible health benefits. Try to dispel your own stereotypes and look at the New Year in a completely different way.

Until now, most people associate the New Year's Eve with a laid table, which must have a huge variety of delicious food and drinks. But maybe it's worth giving up old habits and preparing healthy and tasty dishes that improve your mood? And the stomach will tell you only "thank you!" Find or come up with recipes for vegetables and fruits: it can be salads, stews, pickles, jams or fruits and vegetables in their natural form. Even everyone's favorite New Year's herring under a fur coat can be cooked without salted fish, but using delicious nori seaweed or with seaweed.
Wishing to feel lightness, cheerfulness and feel a surge of energy during the holidays, prepare green salads for the New Year's table. The choice of necessary products, greens in stores is now huge. Experiment, try new flavors. To make the salads more satisfying, add Adyghe cheese or tofu to them.
Alcoholic drinks can be easily replaced with non-alcoholic ones. You can make delicious grog or mulled wine without adding wine. If you add ginger and cloves to the selected drink, you will have a complete feeling that degrees are present in it.
Good holiday tip: Be sure to drink plenty of water. This is, firstly, useful, and, secondly, it will relieve overeating, improve digestion, help to quickly remove various harmful substances from the body.
If it did not work out at all to refuse traditional dishes, then adhere to the rule of moderation in everything. You do not need to try to eat everything at once, sometimes you want your eyes, but the stomach resists. In this case, it is better to listen to the stomach.
Do not sit around the table, because the winter holidays are not only a feast for the stomach. Take some time and go out into the street in a noisy friendly company or together with your family. Fresh air and a festive mood will only benefit. In addition, active winter recreation - skiing or ice skating, playing snowballs, making snowmen, or just walking along snow-covered but brightly decorated streets - will help burn calories, stimulate metabolism and restore the necessary tone to the human body, which can be lost during a passive holiday pastime.