Miracles happen to those who believe in them. All children believe in miracles. If you ask a child what wonderful happened to him during the day, the child will surely tell you a lot of interesting things. But what about us adults? If we forget about miracles, they stop happening to us, and then we are surprised and say that miracles do not happen. The magic law of miracles: miracles do not happen to those who forgets about them and ceases to believe in them. Therefore, for miracles to happen, you just need to remember them, believe in them, and they will definitely come to you!

Step 1
Everything is very simple. In order to believe in miracles, miracles need to happen. Miracles will surely come to you if you start paying attention to them, if you learn to notice them. If you wish, you can find a lot of evidence that miracles exist. Find some examples of miraculous events that happened in the world that are especially interesting to you.
Step 2
Think about what miracles are for you personally. Have you thought? Write down the thoughts that come to your mind. Better to have a special notebook or album, which can be called, for example, "My Book of Miracles." You can think of your own name for your personal Book of Miracles.
Step 3
Remember what wonderful things have already happened to you in your life. And they were obligatory, you just need to try to remember. Do you remember? Write it down in your Book of Miracles.
Step 4
Miracles are different - big and small. Once you start the Book of Miracles, you can write down even minor miraculous events that happened to you. You will begin to notice the wonderful around you. And thus, miracles will begin to be attracted into your life. The task at this stage is to learn to notice even very inconspicuous miracles. Do not forget to write down the miracles that happen to you in the magic book. You can create a special section in the Book with a table, the columns of which are named: date / miraculous.
Step 5
To attract miracles, it is helpful to make your personal list of favorite words, which in their meaning are related to the words "miracles", "wonderful". Write down the words - your own associations for miracles. For example: magic, fairy tale, magic wand, New Year, Santa Claus, cartoons, gifts … The more such words you can write, the better. Show your imagination!
Step 6
Try to set aside 5 minutes every day for a month to reflect on miracles. Further, meditate on miracles whenever you want. Write down your interesting thoughts in the Books of Miracles.
Step 7
Try to come up with your own fairy tale. Write down your story. Tell your story to anyone you want.
Step 8
Talk about miracles with your children. Children always have something to tell about this topic.
Step 9
Think for yourself what else good and interesting you can do in order to attract miracles into your life. Implement what you have in mind!