Coping with nicotine addiction is incredibly difficult. And if it is quite possible to get rid of physical addiction, then the psychological craving remains for a long time, sometimes for life. The most important thing is that a person himself must want to quit smoking. Otherwise, all your attempts to wean him from cigarettes will be in vain.

Step 1
In order for a person to want to quit smoking, he needs to be stimulated in some way. This can be either a positive stimulus - an expensive gift, or a negative one, for example, showing him a photo of people with throat cancer. By the way, these methods are used to combat smoking in some countries. There, on packs of cigarettes, they depict the black lungs of a smoker or throat diseases in a section.
Step 2
To wean a person from smoking, he must first of all get rid of physical dependence. Suggest twirling a pen or pencil in your fingers instead of a cigarette. To avoid temptations, it is better not to take a smoke break with colleagues, but to take a break with non-smoking employees. It is necessary to announce to everyone that the person has quit smoking so that he is not invited to drag on for the company.
Step 3
The next difficulty is psychological dependence. It is much more difficult to fight it. In life, a person will constantly be faced with situations that encourage smoking. This includes friendly gatherings in a cafe, stressful situations at work, and much more. And if before there was always a cigarette at hand, now you have to replace smoking with something else. Think about something that is also calming and relaxing. Perhaps this is a cup of green tea, a small piece of chocolate, listening to your favorite melody. You need to find something that is not addictive, but at the same time enjoyable and always available.
Step 4
To quit smoking requires decisive action. You should not replace cigarettes with weaker ones or reduce their number. In the end, the person will break loose and begin to tar just like before. It is better to immediately give up cigarettes altogether. You need to hold out for at least a week, and then the body will be completely cleansed of nicotine. This means that there will be no physical craving for tobacco. Only psychological dependence will remain, which can be successfully dealt with with the help of positive or negative stimuli.
Step 5
If you want to wean a person from smoking, try to prove to him that it is harmful. You can talk about the negative impact that cigarettes have right now. Throat cancer in the distant future is an unpleasant prospect, but rather hazy and delayed in time. Remind about the morning "smoker's cough", yellowed enamel and damaged teeth, bad breath. Tell us about how many harmful substances are already in the blood of a person who smokes cigarettes. Be gentle, but persistent. Mention secondhand smoke - perhaps it will stop the smoking person. The main thing is to make the smoker want to quit himself. Then you will only have to support the person in everything, to protect him as much as possible from the smoking company, to encourage and stimulate in various ways for each day without a cigarette.