How often on the eve of the birthday of relatives and friends do you think: what to give? After all, you want to please and surprise with a gift, and not hide your eyes, handing over another set of shower products or a souvenir. In fact, there are so many original and not boring gifts in the world that are waiting for you to pay your attention to them.

Step 1
Remember this wonderful expression: the best gift is a handmade gift? Moreover, interest in hand-made is gaining momentum every year. Go to a couple of workshops where you will be taught how to make great postcards, soft felted toys, or a scrapbook photo album that will surely inspire admiration and be awarded the best photos of your friends.
Step 2
In addition, you can surprise with a gift that the birthday person does not expect to receive from you at all. For example, it will be amazing to receive movie tickets for a romantic melodrama from a rocker or goth, and a certificate for a joint parachute jump from a romantic person. There may also be a gift related to the birthday boy's hobby, because everyone is pleased when they show interest in his hobby. For example, a swordsman will be pleased to receive a personal sword, and a numismatist will be delighted with another unique coin brought from some distant country.
Step 3
You can also amaze with such a thing that the birthday person has not yet seen. For example, instead of a banal photo album, you can order a beautiful photo book with the best photos from your joint walks and holidays, add interesting wishes from all your friends. You can be sure this book will be flipped through constantly. If you are shopping for a gift with friends, buy a modern high-tech item: the birthday person will like an e-book or iPad.
Step 4
And you can diversify the donation process. Instead of ordinary words or a poem read from a postcard, act out a scene related to your gift, sing a song or present in the image of a fairytale hero. Then you will definitely surprise and delight with your gift.