New Year is a big holiday that unites almost the whole world. Many people on this day have a special, solemn mood, which is created due to the general atmosphere around - a festive table, a decorated Christmas tree, gifts, friends, family and friends. And of course, everyone wants to look great on a fabulous New Year's Eve.

Step 1
The New Year's look consists of at least four details: hair, makeup, manicure and the outfit itself.
Step 2
In order that you do not have to worry about whether your styling has deteriorated during the whole holiday, you should not do too complicated a hairstyle. You can simply dissolve your hair and fix it with glitter varnish, you can make curly curls, or you can braid the recently fashionable braids and spikelets and decorate them with various New Year's accessories or flowers. If you are going to go for a walk during New Year's Eve, then the braids will be very useful, because such styling will not deteriorate under the hat.
Step 3
New Year is usually celebrated after 10-11 pm, so make-up for this occasion should be done in the evening. It should be brighter than daytime. For New Year's makeup, pearlescent shadows or glitter cosmetics are suitable. But you need to use such funds very carefully, knowing the measure. Pearlescent eyeshadow can ruin your look if your eyelid skin is uneven and inelastic. Remember that for New Year's make-up it is better to use waterproof cosmetics.
Step 4
Manicure for New Year's celebration can be done on your own or in a beauty salon. Do not forget about this detail of the image, since your hands will be constantly in sight, at least when you clink glasses of champagne. A manicure can be made bright, monochromatic in the color of the dress, or you can depict spruce branches on the nails and decorate them with sparkles, place round rhinestones around them depicting Christmas balls and fix everything with transparent varnish.
Step 5
When choosing an outfit, you need to consider where you are going to celebrate the New Year. If you plan to mainly walk, then you should take more care of warmth and comfort. If you are going to celebrate at home, at a party or in a restaurant, you can choose a beautiful evening dress. Traditionally, clothes for the New Year celebration are worn in such colors that correspond to the symbol of the coming year. The coming 2012 will be marked by the black water dragon, which is characterized by shades of black, blue, turquoise, white and red.