The mood of guests, newlyweds and the atmosphere at the banquet depends on the professionalism of the host of the holiday. If you want to avoid noticeably bored faces at your wedding, so that the holiday becomes memorable and fun, then invite a good toastmaster.

Step 1
Ask your friends, relatives and acquaintances - maybe one of them was recently at a wedding and can recommend a good toastmaster. Before that, you need to know what you want from the host of the evening. Should the toastmaster provide a comprehensive service with musical accompaniment, guest artists, clowns or magicians, or will he work alone, periodically interspersed with other numbers. Contact the recommended host and talk it over right away.
Step 2
Check newspaper ads and compare prices based on the volume of services provided. If you have already decided to cooperate with an agency for organizing weddings, then ask if they provide toastmaster services. You can save a lot by ordering a package of services in one place. Immediately ask for a portfolio, look at promotional materials, get to know the toastmaster. Making personal contact is very important because you have to trust the person and rely entirely on their professional qualities. During the rehearsal of the celebration, appreciate how free and uninhibited the toastmaster feels even with a small number of spectators. As a rule, “stirring up” three or four people is more difficult than managing a crowd of several dozen guests. If he copes with the task well, then you can consider that you have found "your" toastmaster.
Step 3
Turn to private traders - a toastmaster who works only for himself is a more risky option, but it also needs to be considered. At the first meeting, ask the candidate for a list of people who can give him recommendations, and be sure to talk to them. You will understand how its declared characteristics correspond to reality and your expectations. It is always preferable to get information and an assessment of the toastmaster's work first-hand than to rely on photographs and video filming. Immediately check the cost of services and find out how much an hour of additional work will cost, because the banquet can take a long time. Having multiple scenarios would be an added benefit. In case of unforeseen situations, it is important that the toastmaster gets his bearings and quickly finds a way out.