How To Painlessly Postpone A New Year's Feast

How To Painlessly Postpone A New Year's Feast
How To Painlessly Postpone A New Year's Feast

The New Year's holiday is unthinkable without the traditional Olivier, herring under a fur coat, champagne and something that can harm both the figure and health in general. But there are ways to avoid this by following some simple tips.

New Year's table
New Year's table


In order to meet the New Year holidays well and painlessly, you need to prepare yourself for them in advance. To do this, you should, at least a few days before their arrival, limit yourself to food. Balance breakfast, lunch and dinner by cutting back portions.

It's good to take advantage of substitutions. For example, a large number of sweets and various cakes can be replaced with a variety of fruits. They will not only bring more benefit, but also perfectly decorate the festive table

New Year's table
New Year's table
  • It is good to replace such products as sausages, sausages, crab sticks with natural meat. It may be more expensive, but much more useful.
  • There are always a lot of carbonated drinks and packaged juices on the festive table. It is better to replace these drinks with natural ones. You can prepare natural homemade fruit drink, juice, compote or other drink.
New Year's table
New Year's table
  • Although not always easy to do, if possible, replace mayonnaise in salads, for example, with olive oil. You can make your own lighter sauce or apply a balsamic cream.
  • If you can't imagine a table without using mayonnaise, then the advice is this - put it in the same salad, literally a spoon. Do not pour it in bundles.

How much to eat

During a feast, you should not put food on your plate in large portions. Keep it to a minimum. Choose light, nutritious meals. It can be vegetable salads, fruits.

How much to drink

Champagne, which flows like a river on New Year's, is far from a harmless drink for many. Even on this holiday, you should not get carried away with it. There is a norm - this is 1-3 glasses

New Year's table
New Year's table

There is a well-known rule - do not interfere with alcohol. It is better to drink only one kind of it and in no case on an empty stomach


Fruit - this is what is bought for the New Year holidays especially a lot. Tangerines are preferred. Nutritionists advise not to abuse them these days. For all their benefits, it should be remembered that fruits are a large amount of, albeit simple, but sugars. And any sugar needs to be controlled. It is enough to eat 1-2 servings (160 g) of fruit per day. It can be any fruit, including tangerines and oranges. It should also be remembered that the large use of citrus fruits is fraught with consequences in the form of allergic reactions. Even if you are very fond of these fruits, and you are not allergic to them, it is still not advisable to eat more than 2-4 fruits a day.

New Year's table
New Year's table

Light New Year's Eve Menu Option

As an example, we can recommend the menu option that is taken as a basis. This option will help to postpone the New Year's feast without harm to health.
