How To Spend A Holiday With A Family

How To Spend A Holiday With A Family
How To Spend A Holiday With A Family

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The holiday is not only about trips to cafes and restaurants, which are so loved today. You can arrange a great holiday at home, with family and friends, and make it even more interesting and fun. Of course, you will have to try, since no one will do anything for you. But on the other hand, the effort spent will be more than compensated when you see off the satisfied and grateful guests.

How to spend a holiday with a family
How to spend a holiday with a family


Step 1

First, choose a holiday that you can celebrate at home. Most likely, you will not dare to celebrate at home the day of the border guard or the day of the Airborne Forces. The well-known, suitable holidays for everyone are best suited: New Year, birthday, Christmas, Easter, or such when one group of people can congratulate another: March 8, February 23. Even such a serious and a bit sad holiday, like May 9, can be adequately celebrated at home and once again thank the veterans if there are such people in your family.

Step 2

The second step is drawing up a detailed script for the holiday. This includes all the small details, all the work that will be done before the guests arrive and after they leave. Do not forget to prepare food and arrange in advance who will cook what. Diversify the table with some special dishes, pick up recipes on the Internet. For example, on May 9, you can cook a soldier's porridge. Pay special attention to alcohol: it should never exceed a reasonable rate, if you do not want the holiday to turn into a binge, or if there are children at the party. In the latter case, one can generally state that the holiday will be held without alcoholic beverages.

Step 3

Prepare in advance the props that you will need for the holiday. Surely you will arrange various contests, and their participants, it is quite possible, will need pieces of fabric to build a suit out of them, whatman paper, glue, and whatever comes in handy. Consult with trusted representatives what contests and games you will run, and what materials you will need for this. Pay attention to the TV program in advance: it will probably occur to some of the guests to turn on the TV, and if the program corresponds to a holiday (for example, a concert of a military choir with an orchestra on Victory Day), then why not watch it all together?

Step 4

Clean up the apartment (in general, this is not required special instructions) and organize the space so that you can accommodate all those guests who come. Just in case, stock up on chairs, even if you are not sure that all the invitees will honor you with their presence. Arrange the furniture so that there is enough free space, especially if you are inviting a lot of people and expecting to have mobile contests. Decorate the room in accordance with the spirit of the holiday, for example, if it is the birthday of a family member, then make a wall newspaper by pasting photographs of the birthday person taken at different periods of his life.

Step 5

Be an improviser! A home celebration is not a conveyor belt that carries many identical cakes every minute. If something goes wrong, do not announce it to guests for anything, but use all your ingenuity to create a good face for a bad game. Unleash your creativity. Shift part of the responsibility onto the shoulders of family members, after all, you are not the only organizer. Allow the guests to take the initiative: if someone comes up with the idea of telling army jokes, do not interrupt him, just make sure that these jokes are not vulgar, and draw the initiator's attention to the presence of children. Have fun, but be careful. Happy Holidays!
