An Armenian wedding is a bright many-day celebration, which is prepared according to the ancient traditions of this people. It is necessary to prepare very carefully for the organization of such a holiday. It is necessary to take into account every detail so that the celebration turns out to be memorable and does not violate folk customs.

Step 1
Organize matchmaking. Now this ritual is rather formal, but not a single Armenian wedding can do without it. The groom must first warn his family of the decision to marry. His closest relatives and friends go to woo the bride together with the man. Usually the girl's family knows about the proposed visit and prepares a small buffet table. Matchmakers, entering the house, should not immediately declare their intentions. According to the rules, those who have gathered at first lead a relaxed conversation and only after establishing a warm atmosphere of communication, the groom says that he wants to get married. The bride's father asks his family for an opinion and certainly the girl herself. Once agreed, matchmakers should invite future relatives to the groom's house to celebrate the event.
Step 2
Prepare your engagement. To do this, the groom must choose a kavor (planted father), who in the future will become the godfather of the children in this family. Going to the betrothal, the groom must take the ring with him, and his friends and relatives, fruits and wine. All the way to the bride's house will certainly be accompanied by songs and fun. Kavor will call the bride, and the groom will put a ring on her finger. After that, it can be considered that the betrothal took place. This event is celebrated more solemnly than matchmaking.
Step 3
The bride and groom celebrate the first day of the wedding separately, each in his own house. A man has to stab a bull to prepare wedding meat, then beat himself up and spend the whole evening in the company of kavor and single friends. The bride's holiday follows the same scenario. The only difference is in stabbing the animal, the bride does not need to do this.
Step 4
On the second day, the groom with the guests solemnly goes to the house of kavor with a ransom for the bride. According to Armenian customs, except for gifts, all the clothes and jewelry of the chosen one are paid by the man. All this is carried to the bride's house, where the Kavor's wife and other women dress the girl in the outfit they brought. There are no special requirements for clothing, only a red bow should be pinned on the left of the groom on his chest. After that, the future husband and wife celebrate the event at the same table for the first time.
Step 5
A little later, the procession goes to the groom's house. The youngest member of the family should block the way before leaving for the guests and not let anyone through until he receives a gift. On the way to the groom's house, guests present the bride with many surprises. Before the start of the feast in the groom's house, his parents must arrange a comic fight, in which the mother will surely win. After that, she puts 2 plates at the doorstep under the feet of the groom and the bride, which are usually broken at the same time. The main feast can now begin. But the bride cannot join the guests until the mother-in-law presents her with a personal gift. The feast should continue the next day, only in the circle of the closest relatives.