How To Create A Quiz

How To Create A Quiz
How To Create A Quiz

Table of contents:


The quiz is a question and answer based game. Holding a quiz at any holiday can liven up and diversify the evening. It is important to be creative when creating such a game. Think in advance about the main moments of the event, add your good mood, and your holiday will be remembered by your guests.

How to create a quiz
How to create a quiz


Step 1

First of all, decide on the topic. You can tie the quiz topic to the event that you celebrate - birthday, hero of the occasion, New Year, and so on. If this is a holiday for children, you need to think over the questions so that they correspond to the age of the little guests. If the participants are adults, you can offer interesting logical problems or funny riddle questions as tasks. In a circle of good friends, you can make a quiz about each other, where each participant will have to demonstrate knowledge about their friends.

Step 2

To prevent your quiz from turning into a boring list of questions, you can make a comic quiz, or at least dilute the list of cognitive questions with fun tasks and questions.

Step 3

Think carefully about the rules of the game: the order of the players, what is the correct answer, whether it will be possible to choose the difficulty of the question. Also, be sure to prepare your prizes. They don't have to be expensive, but they don't have to be useless either. A good option is pens, calendars, candies and chocolates, Christmas decorations (if it's a New Year's holiday), balloons. Give prizes based on the results of the game, but all participants should receive small gifts. This is especially important in the children's team.

Step 4

To make the quiz varied, you can break it up into tours. Each round should be different from the others, for example, the type of tasks. It can be:

a) questions requiring an answer "yes" / "no";

b) multiple choice questions (as, for example, in the TV game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire");

c) open questions

d) creative tasks (to portray, draw, sing);

e) game tasks and any others that your imagination tells you.

Step 5

It is good to use elements of well-known entertaining and educational TV programs in the quiz: for example, a task with a "black box" ("What? Where? When?") Or questions like "Puss in a poke" ("Own game").

Step 6

Prepare a drawing board or board on which the results of the players will be recorded.

Step 7

Prepare as many questions and tasks as possible, but it is better to determine the duration of the quiz during the game. Keep track of the reactions of the players, their mood, what questions and tasks they like best. Do not strive to bring the game to the end by all means - the quiz can be finished in time or when a player will score a certain number of points.
