Today, lavish holiday feasts are almost out of fashion. People spend holidays in cafes and restaurants, and if they invite guests to a dinner party, it is more like a gathering than a festive buffet table. However, this does not mean that festive toasts are a thing of the past with old-fashioned feasts.

Forget about age
Even if the occasion is birthday, remember that reminding a woman of her age again is not very tactful. In the end, you are not going to remember how old your friend is, but to emphasize how dear she is to you. Concentrate on this. In a congratulatory toast, say how household she is, how delicious she is, or how she knows how to choose clothes. Also a great topic for a toast is a hobby.
Compliments about appearance and good shape will always come in handy. Know, however, the measure and do not speak too frank flattery. If a friend weighs under one hundred kilograms, of course, you should not praise her ideal figure. And the topic of appearance and age, if it is painful, it would be better not to touch at all.
Toast in verse
If you can write poetry for your girlfriend yourself, great. A better gift could not be imagined. In case you do not have such a talent, there is the Internet or greeting cards that will come to your aid. Remember, however, that simply getting up and reading the quatrain printed on the purchased card is not the best way to congratulate you. Poems are good when you recite them sincerely. Try to say a couple of warm words on your own behalf, and end your speech with poetry. This will make a stronger impression and will surely please all guests.
Female friendship
An eternal theme for jokes and anecdotes is female friendship. Many, for some reason, are sure that it does not exist. Do you disagree? A toast will be a great occasion to once again tell others that female friendship exists. Here you can recall some funny story from your life, and also spice up your performance with an anecdote or parable. Good friends are really hard to find today. Even if your congratulations are not pretty splendid, simple, sincere words will always make a pleasant impression on the audience. Just tell us why you love your girlfriend so much. Sometimes this is enough.