In friendly teams there is a tradition according to which it is customary to congratulate their colleagues on their birthday and other significant events. However, when choosing a gift, sometimes you have to work hard.

What to give a colleague on his birthday
It is customary for work colleagues to give neutral gifts, not too personal. If a person has been working for a long time, and the relationship in the team is quite close, you can find out in advance from the birthday person what exactly he would like to receive as a gift. At the same time, it is important that all employees receive gifts for approximately the same amount, so that later there is no discord in the team.
An exception may be anniversaries, congratulations on marriage and the birth of a child.
A good gift for a woman can be some kind of small household appliances - a multicooker, a double boiler, an iron, a blender, a coffee machine, a pressure cooker or a mixer. A man can be presented with a set of tools, a flask, binoculars. If the birthday person has a car, you can give him a navigator, radio tape recorder, video recorder or any other accessory for his vehicle.
However, before choosing such a gift, you must make sure that the birthday person does not have this thing yet and that he really needs it.
Well, if you know the hobbies of the birthday man, then you can give him exactly the gift that you like. If a man has a hobby - fishing, he will certainly be happy with a new fishing rod or wobbler. If his hobby is computers, you can pick up a new computer gadget - a fancy keyboard, joystick, memory card, disk with a new program. Art lovers will be delighted with the new book. At all times, concert tickets remain a good gift, but in this case, two tickets should be given so that the birthday person can attend the event with his other half. A woman may be happy with a set of quality dishes or a service. It is good to give gifts with engraving as a keepsake.
Money is considered to be the most universal gift. Often the company has a tradition of collecting money for gifts for birthday people. Every month, employees turn in a certain amount, and with this money they then congratulate the birthday person. It's good when the administration also participates in this process and adds a certain amount to the gift.
Organization of congratulations
Any person is pleased with attention. Therefore, it is good when an employee is surrounded by attention from colleagues on his birthday. You can buy balloons and decorate your office with them. It is a good idea to post your congratulations in a prominent place. In it, you can write warm words and wishes in poetic form, brightly decorate and even draw a friendly caricature. The tradition of posting such congratulations helps colleagues not to forget about the employee's birthday and congratulate him on time.
Of course, a bouquet of flowers is an important addition to the gift. It's nice when employees do not receive the same flowers every time, but each time the bouquet is selected individually.