The Feast of the Nativity of Christ was revered in Russia as one of the main events of the year. Therefore, many signs and beliefs are associated with this day, thanks to which our ancestors predicted the weather, harvest and other important events for the whole year.

Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7th. For a long time, on this holiday, a rich table was laid and guests were waited. The youth also arranged Christmas festivities and carols. Also, people noticed the features of this day and interpreted what awaits them during the year.
Warm weather for Christmas to cold spring.
Snow and blizzard on January 7 foreshadow early spring.
If the wind howls and the blizzard is spinning, then expect a harvest of honey.
If the day on January 7 is frosty, then the summer will be warm.
Clear starry sky on Christmas Eve - for a good harvest of peas.
If there is fluffy frost on the trees at Christmas, expect a good wheat harvest.
A snowy Christmas for a good harvest year.
Blizzard at Christmas - bees will swarm often in summer.
A good harvest of buckwheat portends Christmas drops.
There are many stars in the sky at Christmas, which means that there will be a lot of berries and livestock will reproduce well.
Sewing, spinning, and household chores were not allowed on Christmas. On this day, we went to visit and treated ourselves to everyone who came into the house.
From Christmas to Epiphany, they tried not to go hunting, as it was believed that the hunter would bring misfortune.
At Christmas, it is customary to dress up in the best clothes to attract good luck and a good harvest to the house.
Close people were invited to the Christmas table. They also judged by the first guest who entered the house, what the year would be.
People believed that prophetic dreams happen on the night of January 7th.
Christmas is a rather controversial holiday for Russia. One of the main church holidays, on which it was forbidden to guess and indulge in superstition. But people who preserved the traditions of their pagan ancestors invariably sang carols. The girls wondered about the betrothed and about marriage, and the hostesses set treats for brownies.