The Republic of Madagascar is an island state in the Indian Ocean, separated from Africa by the Mozambique Strait. Every year at the beginning of July in the city of Mahajang, the administrative center of the province of the same name, a sacred ceremony of washing the relics of the Buin kings is held.

These relics represent the teeth, nails, and mustaches of the four kings of the ancient state of Buynu. The relics are placed in a chest encrusted with precious stones. The casket (relic) is kept in an old hut at the top of a sacred hill. The Malgashi, the indigenous population of Madagascar, have great reverence for their ancestors, so the ceremony attracts a huge number of pilgrims. With this in mind, you'd better book your room at the Mahajangi Hotel in advance.
Russian citizens can apply for a tourist visa for up to 90 days right at the airport upon arrival. To do this, you will need to present a valid passport and round trip tickets. If you ordered e-tickets, please show a printout. When applying for a visa up to 30 days, the visa fee is not charged. A visa up to 90 days will cost approximately $ 56. To renew it, contact your local Immigration Office.
You can apply for a visa at the Madagascar Embassy in Moscow at 119435, Moscow, Kursovoy Lane. 5/1, tel. (495) 690-02-14, 695-34-53. The list of documents required for obtaining a visa is given on the embassy's website. You will have to pay a consular fee of $ 118.
You can rent a car in advance to move around the island. If you prefer exotic, zebu drivers - local pack animals - will be at your service. Minibuses are used as public transport, including for communication between cities. Tune in in advance to a very slow pace of life - in Madagascar it is not customary to rush.
Before leaving for the island, you must be vaccinated against yellow fever. In addition, the risk of contracting typhoid, cholera, plague, rabies, viral hepatitis and hemorrhagic fever must be considered. Consult an infectious disease doctor - it may be better to get vaccinated against these diseases. When swimming in local waters, you can get sick with schistosomiasis and dysentery. It is better to take antibiotics and stomach medicines with you, as there is a shortage of them in Madagascar.