Overnight stay in nature is the romance of our time. A bonfire, stars and a tent are the main symbols of a good hike. But how and where you set up your "field house" will depend not only on your mood, but also on your health.

It is necessary
Tent, set of pegs, cord
Step 1
Seat selection
Stay the night before sunset. Look for a dry and level place. It is desirable that it be protected from the wind by natural barriers: rocks, trees, hills. Try to avoid the vicinity of dense bushes, tall grass and large bodies of water in the summer so that midges and mosquitoes do not get you.
Step 2
If you are in a forest, make sure there are no anthills or animal trails nearby. Avoid pitching your tent under tall, old and rotten trees that might just fall on you.
Step 3
Lie on your chosen spot and ride a little on your back to feel and remove any protruding knots and stones. On uneven ground, position the tent so that your head is higher than your feet. If the slope is very steep, place large stones or a log at the entrance so that your feet rest against them and you do not roll.
Step 4
Check the soil for dryness by pressing down on it with the palm of your hand. If moisture comes out at the same time, then it is better to look for another place. But even if only swampy land surrounds you, do not despair. Make a tent deck with thin trees.
Step 5
In winter, before pitching the tent, thoroughly pack the snow and, if possible, collect the spruce branches and make the flooring. In this case, spruce branches should not just be thrown into a heap, but inserted into the snow at a slight angle to make a springy mattress.
Step 6
In the spring, make a fire and put it out after an hour. This time will be enough to warm up the earth and then spend the night in comfort and warmth. Just before setting up a tent on the site of the fire place, cover it with fresh spruce branches and remove all large coals so as not to accidentally burn the bottom.
Step 7
Follow the manufacturer's instructions when assembling the factory tent. While pulling on a homemade cloth, drive the pegs into the ground at an angle of 45 degrees with the butt of an ax or other improvised object. On rocky and stony soils, it is more convenient to use large nails and a hammer instead of pegs.
Step 8
Observe safety precautions and do not make a fire closer than 3 meters from the tent. Modern synthetic materials provide good protection from rain, but they burn out from the slightest spark.
Step 9
If you are placing a piece of polyethylene under the tent, make sure that it does not protrude beyond the bottom. Otherwise, with oblique rain, water will flow from the roof just onto this polyethylene, and you will find yourself in an artificially created puddle. In rainy weather, dig a small drainage groove around the perimeter of the tent.