In the cold season, you just want to wrap yourself up in a blanket and mess around. But isn't it better to do something useful that will cheer you up and make others happy? Good deeds always leave unforgettable pleasant feelings in the soul of the one who does them.

Step 1
Disassemble the rubble. Remove all items from the closet and sort. Put all out-of-season items in a separate drawer. Go through the rest of the clothes, find unnecessary ones that you will never wear. If the item hasn't been worn in a year, chances are you will never wear it. But take your time to throw things away. Find in your city a fund to help the poor or refugees, an orphanage. Take things to those in need.
Step 2
Go to the shelter. Even if you do not have the means to buy food or medicine for animals, you can help differently. For example, bring old blankets for freezing animals or help with dog walking.
Step 3
Make friends with your neighbors. Prepare something unusual. Let it be some kind of pastry or sweetness. Invite your neighbors to visit or take the cooked to a lonely grandmother who lives in your entrance.
Step 4
Join a volunteer community. There are various organizations that help people. Some help children in hospitals, some are looking for missing people, and some read fairy tales in orphanages. If you feel that you are not ready to help people yet, help stray animals. For example, feed a stray dog or make a bird feeder.
Step 5
Think about family and friends. Think about which of your loved ones needs your help. Invite a sister to sit with her baby while she goes to the movies. Fix your aunt's computer or go to grandpa's, help clean up the apartment. You will see how gratifying it can be to be grateful from the person you helped.