You need to rest correctly and a sufficient amount so that the body does not suffer from overload and does not malfunction. Well-organized rest will help you to recuperate after work and increase your efficiency. Lack of rest will lead to chronic fatigue and stress.

Step 1
Take short breaks every hour. Two or three minutes after an hour of work can do wonders. Turn your back on the computer and just close your eyes. This will keep your body from overwork and increase your productivity.

Step 2
Give yourself 20 minutes of rest every day after work. Take a relaxing foot bath or hand massage, listen to your favorite music and sip your favorite tea to recharge your batteries.

Step 3
Get in the habit of just resting once a week. But don't just lie in bed all day. From this appear "weakness" and apathy. Go to an exhibition, a movie, a park, or a picnic with the whole family. The main thing is that you like it and cheer you up. This will increase your ability to work on weekdays.

Step 4
Treat yourself to a massage therapist every month. There is nothing more relaxing and soothing than an hour on the table in the hands of a professional massage therapist. Research has shown that it increases levels of serotonin and dopamine, hormones that make you feel happy and relaxed.

Step 5
Take a 7-day vacation once a year and go to a country or local guesthouse. There is nothing better than fresh air, healthy food and leisurely relaxation. This will give you a boost of energy and strength for a whole year.