Bad mood haunts us quite often. But you need to be able to get rid of it. Here are a few secrets to help you learn how to turn a gloomy day into a positive one.

The most important thing is to give yourself some rest. If you work or study hard, take a day off or at least set aside a couple of hours to indulge in some free time. Try to spend your vacation time without technology, phones, iPads, computers and everything else. Enjoy the real, not the virtual world. Moreover, without annoying calls and constant craving for social. networks. Thus, you will be distracted and maybe even forget about your bad mood.
Another, so to speak, "bad advice" - clean up your room or space where you will rest. When you're in a bad mood, how can you go without goodies? Let yourself be pampered with something delicious: chocolates, cookies, sweets …
Watch a movie or read a book. When you watch a movie or read, you delve into other people's problems and for a while forget about yours. It is distracting, relaxing, and besides, cinema is interesting too.
When you are in a bad mood, do what you really wanted for a long time, but did not have time for it.
Laugh! Laughter prolongs life and improves mood.
Sleep! And as much as you want. Firstly, sleep is very important, and your mood will depend on how much you sleep. And secondly, nothing cheers you up like a long sleep without an alarm clock. Arrange yourself a home mini spa. Light scented candles, fill the bubble bath.
Play with your pets. It doesn't matter if it's a turtle, a dog or a cat. They do not need to think about the horrors of this world, so they are always positive and ready to share this positive with you.
Go for a walk. It sounds corny, but after fresh air even the mood will improve, not to mention the appetite. Well, if just walking is boring, go for mini shopping. After all, we all know that shopping is a great cure for bad mood.
Go in for sports. At least a little. Sports will really get rid of negative emotions and make you feel better. You don't have to leave the house. Even a simple exercise, a yoga mat and an exercise DVD are enough.
Chat with your favorite family or friends. A good company always cheers up, it is always fun.
Dance. But just allow yourself to do it as if no one sees you. You will get a lot of positive emotions.
And of course, please, please. Call and make peace with your old girlfriend (friend), smile at the passer-by. When you do good to others, your own mood always rises.
And if you are in a bad mood right now, use my advice, and at least one of them will certainly help you. Positive to you!