March 8, or International Women's Day, is a unique and unusual holiday. Its main idea was originally the struggle for equality. But in fact, on this day, women want to feel like a defenseless weaker sex and expect men to pay special attention to themselves.

How this holiday should begin and how to go through depends on the traditions in each family and the personal preferences of each household. But the main thing is that most ladies are usually upset if their gentlemen do not commit some, at first glance, banal and boring acts.
So, what can a real man do on International Women's Day so that his beloved is not upset and disappointed in him.
1. Do not wake up in the morning, wait until she wakes up herself. And after she wakes up, bring a cup of aromatic coffee. At the same time, you can say the following: “Good morning, dear! Wake up and cheer up. With the start of a wonderful holiday! It is not at all necessary to carry flowers and gifts to bed. Let her calmly drink coffee, dream, cheer up, put herself in order, her thoughts and her appearance.

2. After the lady has washed and changed, you can go to the main part of the congratulations: give flowers and a gift.

3. Prepare breakfast or lunch. Depending on how it is in the family: maybe someone cooks in the morning for the whole day.

4. Wash the dishes. It sounds very corny. But it’s a great relief for any woman not to cook or wash the dishes at least once. Therefore, these actions will be regarded only positively.

5. Tell her about your love. Representatives of the strong half of humanity are usually not very romantic by nature and rarely say such things at all. But it's worth trying at least once. This can be done both in prose and in poetry.

6. Sing a romantic song. Even if you don't sing very well, it will still look cute. The main thing is to sing from the heart and prepare well. To do this, you need to choose the right repertoire and a good backing track. If you have enough imagination, you can come up with some kind of scenery.

7. To do small men's chores around the house, for which there was usually not enough time: replace light bulbs, fix something, put something somewhere or move it away, rearrange it. That is, those things that my wife has already asked for many times.

8. At the end of all household chores, invite to dance. In real life, we dance so rarely, and slow dancing will cheer you up and improve relationships.

If a man has enough strength and enthusiasm to complete all the points, then his woman will definitely be satisfied and will be grateful to him for such a day.
When planning festive events, it is worth remembering that this holiday does not have to be celebrated on a grand scale. It is quite possible to spend it at home, with your family and just give your attention and care. It is not at all necessary to abuse alcoholic beverages on this day, arrange gatherings with friends and go to the garage. There are other days for that.
And you will need very little to complete all the points: a cup of coffee, flowers, a small present, imagination, time and a good mood.