A holiday of femininity and beauty - this is what they call 8 March today. Few people remember that this holiday was originally dedicated to revolutionaries. This is despite the fact that the history of the 8 March holiday is very interesting and varied.

The history of the holiday on March 8 in 1857 began in New York. On this day, workers from local shoe and textile factories went on strike to the streets. Their main requirement was a 10-hour working day instead of the previous 16. In addition, women demanded an increase in wages to a decent level and the right to vote in elections. It was March 8 that was marked as the day when the first trade union was created, where the ladies took part.
After 67 years, the famous revolutionary Clara Zetkin proposed celebrating March 8 as International Women's Day. A year later, this holiday was celebrated on March 19, but women from different countries - Austria, Denmark, Switzerland and Germany - took part in the celebration. Women's day was held with the slogan of the struggle of ladies for their rights, for example, the right to occupy leadership positions. On the day of the holiday, a number of demonstrations took place.
Russia took part for the first time in the celebration of International Women's Day in 1913. The first events were held in St. Petersburg. This was an occasion for Protestants to get together and discuss all pressing women's issues. It is noteworthy that men also took part in the discussion.
For the next 4 years, due to the raging Civil War, March 8 was not celebrated, but at this time the tradition of women going out to demonstrations and marches was preserved. This became for them a kind of protest against the war.
The holiday of March 8 received national significance with the arrival and strengthening of Soviet power. And since 1965, March 8 has become a day off. It was on this day that the state began to devote various events for women. On March 8, the country's leadership reported to the population on the achievements in the field of policy towards women, held conferences for equal workers' rights and did other campaigning work.
The holiday on March 8 lost its political connotation later. And in new Russia, it became not a day of struggle for the rights of the weak half of humanity, but a day of femininity, tenderness and care.