You can congratulate your beloved man on February 23 with traditional postcards and familiar gifts. But all this is rather boring and monotonous, so if you want to truly surprise and please your loved one, you should forget about the banality and tune in to creative congratulations.

Step 1
If your man loves friendly gatherings, then a surprise party can be an interesting gift for him. The company of his best friends can help organize funny contests with small but nice prizes. Going home, your man will certainly be delighted when his beloved woman meets him, and a company of best friends will be waiting at the festive table.
Step 2
If you decide to please your beloved with sweets, you should not buy the usual "Napoleon" in the nearest store. It is better to order a creative cake in the shape of a machine or a helmet in advance. Of course, if you can bake the cake yourself, it will be "aerobatics".
Step 3
A holiday unusual for your couple will leave a lot of impressions. Active people will enjoy home evening with a joint rose petal bath and romantic movies. And for couch potatoes, you can try to organize a trip to a concert of your favorite band or to the theater. The difference from the usual everyday life will surely be remembered especially strongly.
Step 4
A holiday unusual for your couple will leave a lot of impressions. Active people will love home evening with a joint rose petal bath and romantic movies. And for couch potatoes, you can try to organize a trip to a concert of your favorite band or to the theater. The difference from the usual everyday life will surely be remembered especially strongly.
Step 5
A man will be very happy with a simple but original congratulation. An interesting option is to write especially for a loved one poems that will emphasize his dignity and character traits. A homemade postcard made from a whole sheet of Whatman paper, decorated with various newspaper clippings, drawings and photographs of a beloved man, can also become a creative gift. Your chosen one will definitely not disregard such a kind of wall newspaper, flaunting on the walls of the apartment.
Step 6
Another option is to make an interesting slideshow of personal videos and photos of your loved one. The main topic should be all the merits and achievements of a man, since February 23 is exclusively his holiday. Your chosen one will certainly appreciate such attention to his person.
Step 7
You can buy something from a soldier's uniform in advance, for example, a peakless cap or a vest. Put on a uniform or just put on a peakless cap and in such a seductive way bring your beloved man a festive breakfast in bed. You will see, this morning will be remembered by both of you.