The phrase "The best gift is a book" has always been pronounced in a skeptical tone and it was tacitly believed that a book can be given when there are no other, better ideas. Nowadays the situation has changed: firstly, the prices for books are quite high, and many would like to receive as a gift a publication that they cannot afford themselves. Secondly, now many publications have become of such good quality that they are simply pleasant to hold in your hands, not to mention the right of ownership.

Step 1
When choosing a book as a gift, of course, be guided by the interests of the person to whom your gift is intended. If this is a collector's edition, check in advance if it already has one. A person can also collect a specific series of books.
Step 2
Now there are many special gift editions, albums with rich illustrations. Make sure that this edition is not only beautiful, but also interesting and useful. Agree, it would be a pity to spend a large amount on something that will stand in the closet and will never be in demand.
Step 3
Be careful when choosing specialty literature as a gift unless you are an expert on the subject. It is best to buy such books with a clear understanding of the author and title of the book, otherwise it may not be what was required at all.
Step 4
Nowadays, there are many creative kits that include both a book with recommendations and the details necessary for creativity. By purchasing such a set, you can attract your friend to a new hobby. This can be a set for making chocolate or for sewing a soft toy, a set for making soap or creating artificial flowers.
Step 5
When decorating your gift, you can add an original bookmark or book cover to the book, then the gift will look more sincere and cute. It is also better to choose wrapping paper and a gift bag with a themed pattern: book pages or text, bookshelves or a quill with an inkwell.
Step 6
If you are giving a book to a child, be sure to intrigue him with its content, especially if the book has few illustrations. Share your own impressions of this work or tell the beginning of the story, stopping the story at the most interesting place.