If you are expecting guests to visit you for the New Year, then it is in your hands to make the celebration unforgettable. Provide a festive atmosphere and entertainment. Then your holiday will be the best, and not one of many.

Step 1
Create a rough entertainment plan. Ask your friends to help you with the preparation, because in addition to entertainment, you need to set the table and decorate the room. Invite guests before midnight, however, start the fun about 2 hours before the chimes. Otherwise, everyone will quickly get tired and want to sleep. If there are strangers in the company, introduce them to each other in a humorous manner.
Step 2
Let each guest become some kind of fairytale hero. Write the names of the characters on the pieces of paper, hide them in the surprise kinder cases and hang them on a string. Have the guests cut the strings with their eyes closed. The most important thing is that the fairytale characters are harmless, and each guest agreed to play his character during the entire festive celebration.
Step 3
After this distribution of roles, it is worth spending the outgoing year starting on snacks and drinks. As a toast, you can tell funny or just unusual stories from life, discuss plans and ideas that you are implementing in the New Year.
Step 4
At about midnight, choose a television channel on which you will listen to the chimes and the president's speech. If there are Santa Claus and Snow Maiden among the characters, let them congratulate everyone on the holiday in the first minutes of the new year. After that, go outside and arrange fireworks, of course, this can only be done if you live next to the square where it is allowed to arrange fireworks. Also remember about safety rules.
Step 5
If this is not possible, you can arrange contests with prizes or play forfeits.
Step 6
At the end of the celebration, you can arrange dances. Do not be afraid to disturb your neighbors, perhaps they themselves have left somewhere for a holiday.