New Year is perhaps the most long-awaited holiday. Months before this event, people prepare for it, pick up gifts, sign postcards so that no one is forgotten and a New Year atmosphere reigns in every home. In principle, you can give gifts with the duty phrase "Congratulations!" But in order for your attention to be remembered for a long time and greatly strengthened the joyful feeling of the holiday, it is worth taking care of a sincere and detailed congratulation on the New Year, and it is desirable that it be not in the routine unsubscribe verses, but in prose, written in your own words and conveying only your thoughts.

Step 1
Get away from stereotyped and standardized. It is clear that not everyone has a writing talent to express their thoughts beautifully on paper, but why not try to do it? Moreover, a New Year's card is just a postcard, by no means an essay or a story. Even if a ready-made standard poem is already written on the card, cover it with a piece of paper and try to find words from yourself. Think about the person to whom they will be addressed: what does he mean to you, what is pleasant to him, what is he passionate about, and what would you like to say to him at this solemn moment?
Step 2
Happy New Year to your beloved or loved one should put your soul and all the tenderness. Start with the warmest words: "My dear", "The only one", "The most beautiful and beloved", "Snow Maiden", etc. You can remember your first meeting, funny moments, intimate situations, funny events that you experienced together: "I remembered our first meeting, when you glanced at me, and I instantly lost my head …" or "On this day I am no less happy than on the day of our first date …”Then go on to congratulations. Listen to your thoughts, already tuned in the right way, in order to formulate the most cherished and pleasant thing: “Close your eyes and draw a dream in your imagination. I wish it to come true in the New Year … "or" Think unrealizable on this fabulous night. We will make it happen together! " It remains to subscribe, and congratulations in prose are ready.
Step 3
Congratulating your colleague is much easier. Usually, in a team, gifts are presented conditional or are completely limited to a postcard. But the card, combined with warm words, will delight a colleague no worse than a gift. Get away from hackneyed phrases. For a colleague, the heart is not useful in choosing words, include intelligence and a friendly attitude. Start with an official friendly address: "Dear colleague (name) …", "Dear (name) …", etc. Perhaps it is worth mentioning the fact that you are pleased to work with him, for example: "Together we bring each other and there are many useful achievements for our company”. Then proceed to the congratulation itself: "May your best deeds surpass the victories of the previous year in the New Year, thanks to your love for science!" or "I wish your achievements, successes and triumphs arouse only sincere admiration and respect among your colleagues!" Don't forget to subscribe.
Step 4
Greater warmth and care should be invested in congratulating parents and relatives. They receive unsubscribe cards so often that they will be pleasantly surprised and delighted with your carefully chosen words. Write how glad you are that you have them, how you love and value them, wish them health, prosperity, and long life. Show originality, for example, compare your relationship with "a sparkling spring drop after a prickly winter" or advise "in moments of sadness and melancholy, raise your eyes to the sky and look for the brightest star in the sky", which will remind you of you. In general, on New Year's Day, tell your loved ones what you were embarrassed or constantly put off to say.