How The "Krasnaya Gorka" Holiday Is Celebrated

How The "Krasnaya Gorka" Holiday Is Celebrated
How The "Krasnaya Gorka" Holiday Is Celebrated

Krasnaya Gorka is a spring holiday known since the times of Kievan Rus. After the adoption of Christianity, Red Hill began to be celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. The holiday symbolized the arrival of spring, the liberation of nature from winter captivity. In addition, Krasnaya Gorka is the time of the first spring festivities for young girls, weddings and matchmaking.

How the holiday is celebrated
How the holiday is celebrated

The pagan roots of the holiday

The Red Hill was celebrated in Russia even in the days of paganism. Then the holiday was dedicated to the Slavic goddess Lele - the daughter of the goddess of love Lada. Lelya was revered as the goddess of the reviving nature, the first spring shoots, youth and love.

The girls who gathered for the holiday chose Lelya, dressed her up in an embroidered white sundress. A wreath of the first spring flowers was put on the girl's head. Then Lelya sat on a bench, on which gifts and offerings lay, and presented her friends.

Traditionally, the holiday was held in high places, which is why it was called Red or Maiden's Hill. It was on Krasnaya Gorka that the Snow Maiden from a Russian folk tale jumped over the fire and melted, turning into a white cloud. In pagan times, on this day, sacred fires were kindled on the hills dedicated to one of the Slavic solar gods - Dazhdbog.

Rituals and customs on Krasnaya Gorka

The celebration of Krasnaya Gorka preceded the start of agricultural work. At this time, every peasant family wanted to take a worker into the house, so Krasnaya Gorka was a period of active matchmaking. No wonder all the girls came to the holiday, dressed in their best outfits. It was considered an unkind omen if a guy or a girl sat through the entire Red Hill at home. As a result, the guy could not find a bride at all or marry a speckled ugly creature, and the girl was threatened with loneliness or a wedding with the very last little girl.

In some areas, there was a custom that allowed the guys to pour water on the girls they liked. The one who doused the girl with water had to marry her.

As well as on Easter, eggs were painted on Krasnaya Gorka, and we went for a walk around the village. Until late in the evening, songs were sung, round dances were held, merry performances were played in numerous booths.

Red Hill was the most popular day for wedding celebrations. The marriages concluded on Krasnaya Gorka were considered the strongest and happiest.

In addition, on this day, the “call out” of the newlyweds took place: a festive crowd approached the house of the young, singing songs, and they, as a reward to the singers, carried each one an egg and a glass of wine.

The old custom of the spell of spring also took place on Krasnaya Gorka. The youth, led by the chosen "round dance", climbed the hill and, at the first rays of the sun, uttered a spell. Then songs were sung.

The celebration of Krasnaya Gorka lasted for several days and was one of the most interesting events in the lives of girls and boys.
