When preparing for the wedding, do not forget about decorating the entrance of the house where the bride lives. Unfortunately, the appearance of some entrances leaves much to be desired, but you really want your wedding video to be beautiful and romantic, without shabby walls and hard-hitting inscriptions.

It is necessary
Posters, balloons, ribbons, bows, stickers, flowers, light transparent fabric
Step 1
Decorate the entrance from the outside with balloons in the form of a beautiful arch. Balloons filled with helium can be placed under the ceiling on the staircase where the bride's apartment is located.
Step 2
Wash the floors in the stairwell and sprinkle them with rose petals and confetti before the groom arrives.
Step 3
Decorate the stairs and railings with a light transparent fabric that will hide obvious imperfections. Attach garlands of flowers, bows or ribbons on top of the fabric, and place small flower arrangements on the steps by attaching them to double-sided tape.
Step 4
Hang posters on the walls with hilarious wedding-themed messages and poems. You can make a special poster with photos of the bride and groom yourself. Thus, you will not only decorate the walls, but also hide their flaws.
Step 5
Buy themed stickers in the shape of hearts, doves, or cupids. Stick them on the walls and entrance door.
Step 6
On a computer, using the Photoshop program, make special signs for the entrance doors. At the entrance to the apartment where the young woman lives, hang a sign "Bride's Castle", and on the door of her room "Princess Apartment". To confuse the groom a little during the ransom, make several similar signs and hang them on two or three doors.
Step 7
On the door of the bride's apartment, attach a small wreath of tulle, ribbons, beads, and flowers, which looks a bit like a Christmas one, only made in a wedding style. Above the door, you can hang flags with the words "Love Lives Here!" and with photographs of the young.