People have been celebrating Christmas for thousands of years in a row. Moreover, earlier this holiday was much more important than the New Year and had many interesting traditions. Today, in every Orthodox church and church, on the night of January 6 to January 7, services begin.

Step 1
I would like to hope that in your family the birthday of Christ is also given a worthy place. Christmas traditions will help you to congratulate your family solemnly and sincerely. Of course, you need to decorate your house or apartment. The most important element in Christmas decorations is spruce twigs, which decorate both the festive table and the surrounding space.
Step 2
Visit the church with the whole family. It is not at all necessary to go there at night with small children. This can be done in the morning or afternoon of January 7th. For each family member, observing this tradition will bring a lot of good, add a solemn and festive mood. In the church, people congratulate each other, hug and wish a Merry Christmas. Put candles in the temple, enjoy the aroma of church incense. The feeling of something mysterious and spiritual just hovers in the atmosphere, so the festive mood will not leave you for a long time.
Step 3
On Christmas night, young girls are guessing. Unmarried girls can gather in the same house and conduct fortune-telling, find out their betrothed, fate, and just have fun. On a festive night, people still go home as mummers, especially in rural areas.
Step 4
The festive Christmas table should be plentiful, with exactly twelve different lenten dishes placed on it. In the center of the table is placed the most important dish "sochivo", which each hostess prepares according to her own recipe. In many countries, the Christmas table is hard to imagine without poultry meat: duck, goose or turkey. At the Christmas table, all the relatives congratulate each other and give gifts.
Step 5
On this holiday, it is customary to invite each guest to the table, treating him sincerely and wholeheartedly. Any guest on this night is welcome, for such unforeseen visitors it is advisable to prepare small gifts that can give them pleasure.
Step 6
Light Christmas candles, they are traditionally an important part of the winter holiday. Earlier, with the help of candles, people drove out the forces of cold and darkness from their homes, so on this day people congratulated each other, giving beautiful holiday candles. Christmas candles are additional symbols of the significance of Jesus Christ.