Every average inhabitant of the planet dreams of a good New Year's holiday. As a rule, in the minds of citizens, a good vacation is always associated with high income: these are two mutually complementary factors. But not everyone can afford to spend the New Year's weekend under a palm tree on the azure coast of the Mediterranean Sea. However, you can arrange for yourself an unforgettable vacation even in an ordinary apartment or in a house outside the city.

Step 1
Spend the New Year holidays outside the city at the dacha, if possible. The snow-covered landscapes of the village will create an amazing fairy-tale mood. A ski resort can be an excellent alternative to a high-class vacation at the sea. But outside the city you can also arrange a little Switzerland or the Carpathians.
Step 2
If there is no way to get out of the city bustle, consider renting a country cottage. Worry in advance about security measures, the necessary supply of provisions (after all, the appetite always increases in the fresh air) and telephone communication with the city.
Step 3
After deciding on the choice of a place for the celebration, take care of the high-quality organization of the holiday. Make sure that the snacks on the New Year's table are light, and the food is of high quality and fresh.
Step 4
To fill the room with a festive atmosphere and charge it with positive energy, carefully consider the New Year's decoration of the apartment. In the room where the holiday itself is planned, be sure to install a Christmas tree - the main attribute of the New Year. Hang a blinking garland on the window frame, decorate the walls with New Year's tinsel.
Step 5
Invite your friends. It is better if the company is heterosexual, but in some cases you can make an exception: a bachelor party or a bachelorette party.
Step 6
Think over the script for the New Year's party. Celebrating a holiday in a dull atmosphere in front of the TV is boring.
Step 7
For each invited guest, come up with a role that he will play during the party: the snow queen, the cat, the fox, and more. Build props that will allow you to more accurately enter the desired image.
Step 8
Create contests and games depending on the interests of the invited company. You can make an original New Year's horoscope for each of the guests or arrange holiday fortune-telling.
Step 9
Think over the options for returning guests from vacation: taxi, electric train, bus, etc.